EU, Enabel and ITC to support beekeeping value chain in Tanzania

beekeeper in tanzania

Brussels/Geneva, 15 September 2021 | Today, Jean Van Wetter, Managing Director of the Belgian development agency Enabel, and Pamela Coke-Hamilton, Executive Director of the International Trade Centre, signed a cooperation agreement in Brussels for a new EU-funded project that will enhance the development of the beekeeping value chain in six regions in Tanzania and contribute to inclusive and sustainable economic growth in the East-African country.


Enabel has the overall responsibility of this EU-funded contract and will collaborate with the ITC for the implementation of the component ’Market access and trade of bee products’. The project, with a budget totalling 10 million euro, will support the production of high-quality honey produced in an environmentally sustainable manner to increase the country’s penetration in the national and international market.

Speaking at the signing ceremony, Jean Van Wetter said: “Enabel is committed to develop a favourable business environment by supporting capacity development with vocational and business skills training and assisting micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in developing their activities. We particularly welcome this collaboration with ITC to support the development of the private sector as a tool for inclusive and sustainable growth and to tackle inequalities.”

Pamela Coke-Hamilton, Executive Director of the International Trade Centre said: “ITC is a long-time partner of Enabel and we have been delivering on numerous projects together. Still, this beekeeping project demonstrates that we are moving towards more integrated approaches also looking at other connections and synergies of our interventions in the Eastern African region for greater impact.”

Although Tanzania is the second largest honey producer in Africa and the largest African supplier to the EU, the beekeeping sector still has enormous growth potential. Its development can substantially increase the revenues of many rural households and enterprises, and significantly contribute to environmental conservation. The project will create more opportunities for trade and employment and open inclusive access to local, regional and international markets.

Major outputs under Enabel’s responsibility include strengthened institutional capacity and a more favourable environment for actors in the beekeeping value chain. The stakeholders of the beekeeping value chain will be trained to enhance management of bee reserves and apiaries. ITC will be responsible for strengthening market access and trade of bee products.

The project will be implemented in close collaboration with the Tanzanian Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism (MNRT) and the Ministry of Industries, Trade and Investment (MITI), and with related government agencies. The engagement of the private sector is of great importance for the sustainable development of the value chain.

About the International Trade Centre (ITC)

ITC is the joint agency of the World Trade Organization and the United Nations. ITC assists small and medium-sized enterprises in developing and transition economies to become more competitive in global markets, thereby contributing to sustainable economic development within the frameworks of the Aid-for-Trade agenda and the United Nations’ Global Goals for Sustainable Development.

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