
Enabel has been working in Mauritania since 2017. We implement actions funded by the European Union in the rural development and health sectors.

Rural development – Infrastructure

To address food and nutritional insecurity and strengthen the resilience of vulnerable groups in Mauritania, Enabel intervenes in sustainable and agricultural development in Mauritania’s southern and south-eastern rural areas.

A first project will lead to strengthening productive and energy investments, improved access to production and energy services and infrastructure, and a transition to renewable energy; Expected results are better access to water, improved road access, safe resources and administrative support to beneficiaries

men standing on a dam

Rural development – Food security

The second project aims at sustainable family and community-based production being processed, commercialised and consumed locally. Also, that techniques adapted to climate change are used. Support of the Belgian development agency will bring significant progress in several domains; better organisation of agro-pastoral value chains, better economic infrastructure, education on access to financing and support to better understand the legal system.

young man milking a cow at sunset


The health sector actions contribute to ensuring access to quality health services. The expected result is a health insurance system that can be deployed throughout the country. In a second phase Mauritania will be assisted in putting in place reforms in health development, health sector planning and the establishment of a Universal Health Coverage fund.

woman walking in a hospital corridor

Contact the Enabel team in Mauritania

Coordination of Nouakchott: Ilot K Lot 216 – Tevragh Zeina – Mauritania
T +222 44531766 –
Country Director: Laurent Delouvroy

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