
10 November 2021

Enabel looking for Moroccan start-ups

Maghrib belgium Impulse days event banner

Brussels, Belgium | From 15 to 19 November, Enabel organises entrepreneurship workshops for the Moroccan diaspora in Belgium. The initiative is part of the support programme for Belgian-Moroccan businesses that want to set up business in Morocco. Thirty businesses will be accompanied in their venture from concept to business set-up.

On 16 and 17 June 2021, Enabel, the Belgian development agency, its Moroccan partners and the General Confederation of Enterprises of Morocco (CGEM) held the ‘Maghrib Belgium Impulse Days’, a virtual networking event for the Moroccan diaspora in Belgium to meet Moroccan business people with various backgrounds and from across Morocco and listen to their success stories and get informed of the economic opportunities in Morocco.

Applicants to the MBI support programme are encouraged to take part in one of the workshops that are held between 15 and 19 November 2021 in Antwerp, Brussels and Liège, from 18h00 to 20h00.

  • On 15 and 18 November in Antwerp (De Winkelhaak)
  • On 16 November in Brussels (BeCentral)
  • On 19 November in Liège (Château de Waroux)

The initiative is part of the governmental cooperation between Morocco and Belgium with Enabel supporting the Moroccan government in the implementation of its national strategy for Moroccans living abroad. It is in this context that Enabel now is actively looking for Belgian-Moroccan start-ups to launch business activities in Morocco. Under the MBI programme some thirty promising project leaders will be supported via CGEM in establishing their businesses.

For many years, Enabel, the Belgian development agency, has been working with Morocco in the agriculture and water and rural development sectors, among others. Since 2018, also human mobility initiatives are taken, as Morocco attracts many people from third countries and sees many of its own residents moving abroad.

“Through their skills, motivation and investments the rich diaspora contribute to the development of both the country of arrival and the country of origin,” explains Ahmed Djamai, coordinator of the Enabel project in Morocco.

Enabel, with CGEM support, will select around 30 projects and offer them coaching and practical training, networking opportunities as well as support in the different phases of establishment and development of their business. The projects will be selected based on their innovation and technology potential and on the eligibility criteria.

“By organising these workshops, Enabel hopes to attract Moroccans living in Belgium to start working on their start-ups or projects and take the step to do business in Morocco,” concludes Ahmed Djamai.

Find out more:
Click here to register for a workshop

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