
Women teacher in Uganda explaining a student how to use a sewing machine.


TZA22003-10062 – Call for Proposals Under the Intervention – Young people especially young women, are empowered to thrive in a protective and gender-equal environment, to acquire education and skills, and to pursue decent work opportunities in Kigoma Region.

Country : Tanzania

Closing date : 08 August 2024 12:00

JOR23001-10011 – CFP- Supporting vulnerable youth, Syrian refugees, and women to create new micro businesses or to develop their existing businesses”

Country : Jordan

Closing date : 24 July 2024 14:00

JOR23001-10010 – CFP- Equipping Youth, Syrian refugees, and women in Jordan with demand-driven skills to access inclusive and decent employment opportunities

Country : Jordan

Closing date : 31 July 2024 14:00

BEL23004-10001 – Window 2 – Innovative Solutions for Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa

Country : Belgium

Closing date : 15 July 2024 13:00

PSE22002-10020 – Q&A-Call for proposals for Awareness in schools on Gender based Violence/Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights and protection.

Country : Palestine

Closing date : 23 May 2024 15:00

BEL22006-10001 – Data-driven Digital Social Innovations in Africa

Country : Belgium

Closing date : 21 May 2024 13:00

BEL22010-10024 – Call for Proposals for business support organisations to develop tools and/or trajectories to support and guide businesses in terms of sustainability and respect for human rights

Country : Belgium

Closing date : 06 May 2024 12:30

COD22012-10060 – Accompagnement de trois (3) partenaires de mise en œuvre des appuis non financiers à la mise en place de cent (100) Groupements Mixtes d’Epargne et de Crédit (GMEC) au Kasaï-Oriental (République Démocratique du Congo) avec l’approche finance inclusive

Country : DR Congo

Closing date : 22 February 2024 16:00

COD22012-10060 – Accompagnement de trois (3) partenaires de mise en œuvre des appuis non financiers à la mise en place de cent (100) Groupements Mixtes d’Epargne et de Crédit (GMEC) au Kasaï-Oriental (République Démocratique du Congo) avec l’approche finance inclusive

Country : DR Congo

Closing date : 22 February 2024 16:00

BEL22009-10001 – Digital social innovation as a vehicle for accelerating inclusive and sustainable development

Country : Belgium

Closing date : 05 January 2024 13:00

BEL22010-10022 – Support for national ethical, sustainable, fair trade or organic farming days or weeks organised in Africa

Country : Belgium

Closing date : 15 November 2023 18:00

BEL22010-10023 – Trade for Development Centre” targeting MSMEs with a social purpose or producer’s organizations for the implementation of a strategy and/or an action plan to become more sustainable and more respectful of decent income and decent work 

Country : Belgium

Closing date : 27 November 2023 12:30


Country : DR Congo

Closing date : 30 October 2023 23:59

BFA22002-10018 – Formation et Insertion Socio-professionnelle (Un Jeune, un métier)

Country : Burkina Faso

Closing date : 06 October 2023 12:00

BFA22002-10017 – Appui à la promotion des entreprises dans le domaine de l’économie verte dans la région du Centre-Nord

Country : Burkina Faso

Closing date : 06 October 2023 12:00

PSE22002-10021 – update-Q&A- CFP- Caring for Caregivers Supporting the psychological health and well-being of youth caregivers

Country : Palestine

Closing date : 28 August 2023 12:00

GIN1900711-10031 – Mise en œuvre d’actions dans le champ « sensibilisation et égalité genre » pour contribuer aux changements de comportements des populations en matière de salubrité publique dans les communes du nord

Country : Guinea

Closing date : 01 August 2023 16:00

PSE22003_10019 – Update- Q&A- CFP- Supporting women to develop sustainable micro- or small businesses that enable them to generate income and enhance their economic independence.

Country : Palestine

Closing date : 20 July 2023 15:00

PSE21002-10012 – Call for proposal under Youth Economic Empowerment in Palestine (YEP) as part of the EU-funded Youth Empowerment Program (WBL)

Country : Palestine

Closing date : 14 June 2023 15:00


Country : DR Congo

Closing date : 23 May 2023 16:00

SEN21004-10021 – Autonomisation des femmes par le renforcement technique et financier de leurs groupements et renforcement des comités de gestion de l’eau dans les régions de Fatick, Kaolack et Kaffrine

Country : Senegal

Closing date : 26 April 2023 12:00

PSE21002-10017 – CFP-Support Multisectoral Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and Gender-based Violence (GBV) response Services in Palestine

Country : Palestine

Closing date : 08 May 2023 16:00

PSE22002-10015 – CFP- Improving the Availability and Accessibility of Youth and their Caregivers to Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Services in West Bank

Country : Palestine

Closing date : 02 May 2023 16:00

RWA21002-10042 – RWA21002-10042_CfP For ‘Business Development Services for women and youth in Karongi, Rutsiro and Nyamasheke Districts in Rwanda”

Country : Rwanda

Closing date : 24 April 2023 14:00

PSE22002-10014 – Q&A- CFP – Awareness and Advocacy towards Palestinian Duty Bearers on Youth Human Rights

Country : Palestine

PSE22002-10014 – CFP – Awareness and Advocacy towards Palestinian Duty Bearers on Youth Human Rights

Country : Palestine

Closing date : 26 March 2023 16:00

PSE22002-10012 – Q&A -Awareness on Gender-based Violence (GBV), Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and support to coordination among GBV/SRHR service Providers

Country : Palestine

Q&A Mental Health Community-based Awareness Campaign – Mental Health Community-based Awareness Campaign

Country : Palestine

Closing date : 29 January 2023 00:00

PSE22002-10012 – Awareness on Gender-based Violence (GBV), Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and support to coordination among GBV/SRHR service Providers

Country : Palestine

Closing date : 16 February 2023 12:00

BFA21001-10001 – Intégration de la résilience climatique dans les plans locaux de développement de 13 communes au sein des bassins du Nakambé et du Niger au Burkina Faso

Country : Burkina Faso

Closing date : 23 January 2023 12:00

NER21005-10041 – Autonomisation des femmes par le renforcement de leurs groupements,l’accès aux financements et les AGR climato sensibles dans les régions deDosso et Tahoua

Country : Niger

Closing date : 27 January 2023 12:00

PSE22001-10007 – Support for Vulnerable Children as Part of the Education and Learning (QEL), Empowered Youth in a Green Palestine 

Country : Palestine

Closing date : 21 November 2022 12:00

MLI170521T – Liste des subsides octroyés en 2019 dans le cadre du PAECSIS

Country : Mali

Closing date : 30 December 2025 00:00

10001-4 / 10002-4 / 10001-4 / 10001 – Publication of information on recipients of funds

Country : Palestine

Closing date : 30 December 2022 00:00

10005/6/7/13 and 10013/16/18 – Ex‐post publication of information on Contractors and Grant Beneficiaries

Country : Palestine

Closing date : 31 July 2023 00:00

PZA170421T – Ex‐post publication of information on Contractors and Grant Beneficiaries

Country : Palestine

RWA1900611/CfP/001 (RWA19006-10007) – Piloting AN Out-grower Service MODEL

Country : Rwanda

Closing date : 31 December 2021 15:00

RWA19009-10034 – Reinforce youth centers including Family Planning, Adolescent Sexual & Reproductive Health and with management for detection, prevention and care for drugs and substances abuse

Country : Rwanda

Closing date : 30 December 2021 16:00

RWA19009-10033 – Training of Community Health Workers and Health Facilities staff (including secondary health post) in inventory management of Family Planning and under-5 products, and organize mentorship to institutionalize the monitoring and management of stock for Fami

Country : Rwanda

Closing date : 30 December 2022 00:00

PSE22001-10003 – Call for Proposals: Support to quality extracurricular activities

Country : Palestine

Closing date : 01 November 2022 12:00

PSE22001-10004 – Support to quality extra curricular STEAM activities

Country : Palestine

Closing date : 01 November 2022 12:00

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