
05 oktober 2023

Creation of the ‘Coalition for sustainable development through culture and arts’

signatories of the Coalition

Enabel is one of the first co-signatories to the ‘Coalition for sustainable Development through Culture and Arts’, a new partnership that seeks to maximise the positive impact of culture and arts towards the Sustainable Development Goals.


Culture and arts are not just forms of entertainment; they are essential components of a country’s development. They contribute to social cohesion, economic growth, education, diplomacy, and the overall well-being of a nation’s citizens. Investing in and promoting arts and culture can lead to a richer, more vibrant, and more inclusive society.

The Coalition, consisting of 9 members, is convinced that culture and arts connect and empower people, create dialogue and promote change. It endeavors to leverage the power of culture and arts by promoting investments into cultural and artistic initiatives as part of development projects, and by maximising economic, social and environmental impacts.

The Joint Declaration has been officially launched on September 4th, 2023. Jean Van Wetter (CEO-Enabel), Rémy Rioux (CEO of Agence Française de Développement), Kampeta Sayinzoga (CEO – Development Bank of Rwanda), Vice Governor Böhmer (Council of Europe Development Bank), Serge Ekue (CEO – West African Development Bank), Hyginus Leon (CEO – Caribbean Development Bank), Sergio Gusmao Suchodolski (Senior Fellow, Center of International Relations CEBRI) and Antonella Baldino (Vice President of the Instituto per il Credito Sportivo) were the first signatories for this growing initiative and welcome new partnerships.

CEBRI and the British Council are advisory members of the coalition as expert international organizations.

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