Public partnerships for enhanced impact


International cooperation is a world of partnerships. Public organisations and institutions such as government departments, research centres and universities in Belgium have valuable experience and know-how that is highly valued abroad. Through a partnership with Enabel, they also gain access to extensive networks in Europe, Africa and the Middle East that add value to their own operations.

For enhanced impact

Enabel aims to enhance the impact of Belgian international cooperation by using and sharing public expertise on the international scene. Public partnerships are an essential part of this. These partnerships are also in line with the spirit of closer collaboration at European level (#TeamEurope) and the Belgian government’s global approach (#TeamBelgium). Enabel has forged many expertise partnerships with Belgian public instances and services, universities and research centres, at all levels of decision-making. Thanks to these partnerships, Enabel fully assumes its role as a broker and facilitator.

Win-win partnerships

Experts can extend their knowledge and rethink ways of operating through the close collaboration between peer institutions in cooperation projects. In this way, Enabel’s expertise, networks and local involvement is made good use of and the impact of Belgian expertise abroad is enhanced. The close collaboration fosters the creation of peer-to-peer strategic partnerships and enriches networks that can continue beyond the projects’ settings.

Customised expertise

The partnerships cover a wide range of themes with interconnected impacts, including health care, social security, human rights, culture, climate change and the environment, waste management, biodiversity, vocational training and employment, justice, law enforcement, port security, human mobility and more. They are particularly interesting for supporting projects aimed at strengthening public bodies in partner countries. All these themes are particularly relevant in supporting initiatives of partner country public
instances. Many public institutions have capacity that is in demand in our partner countries.

On the one hand, it is very interesting to work with partners like Enabel, who work in very challenging contexts, and see how we can bring innovation and technology in African countries. On the other hand, there are also many learning opportunities to come up with new research and innovation, which will also be useful for us in the context of Belgium, to be resilient and adaptive to climate change.

Katrien Van Hooydonk
Katrien Van Hooydonk
Project Lead Strategic Water Partnerships at VITO

A few successful partnerships

Federal Public Service Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue

Through collaboration of the Federal Public Service Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue and its Ugandan counterpart, the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development, Enabel promotes decent working standards in line with the standards of the International Labour Organisation.

In the Rwenzori and Albertine regions,  the emphasis is on agriculture, with coffee and cocoa, major export products. Special attention is also being paid to tourism, which has shrunk by 60% due to the corona crisis, and the green economy, all sectors with great growth potential.

Sciensano and FAMHP

In Rwanda and Senegal, Enabel is working with Sciensano and the Federal Agency for Medicines and Health Products (FAMHP) under a combined Team Belgium and Team Europe initiative. The aim is to strengthen the pharmaceutical ecosystem in these countries by building the capacity of local institutions to regulate healthcare products and ensure their quality, particularly with regard to the manufacture of vaccines, as well as the production of and access to healthcare products.

“We have been partnering with Enabel for years to support them in achieving their ambitious objectives. Beyond providing broad scientific expertise in strengthening the regulatory functions of national pharmaceutical authorities, such as vaccine lot release and market surveillance, it allows our scientists to live a great human experience.” Geneviève Waeterloos, Head of the Quality of Vaccines and Blood Products department at Sciensano

Learn more – Video: Strengthening the pharmaceutical ecosystem through MAV+


VITO (Flemish Institute for Technological Research) is working with its Rwandan counterpart NIRDA and Enabel on the emerging circular construction sector in Rwanda. By training professionals in the sector, supporting start-ups and setting up guidelines on circularity, VITO and NIRDA are promoting building materials made from local resources such as bamboo and clay.

Learn more → Article: Laying the groundwork for sustainable architecture

Federal police

Through a partnership with Belgium’s Federal Police, Enabel is strengthening the capacities of Benin’s Republican Police. Enabel is working with the Republican Police, public authorities and civil society to strengthen local resilience in the face of shocks and challenges that Benin faces.

With our partners, we are supporting the. implementation of community policing principles, supporting human resources management and training in crisis management and cybercrime. 
Learn more → Video: Collaboration on cybercrime (in French/Dutch)

Port of Antwerp-Bruges

The Port of Cotonou is the powerhouse of Benin’s economy. Enabel, in collaboration with the Port of Antwerp-Bruges, is supporting its modernisation to make it more competitive and efficient.

We improve the business environment (strategic and institutional framework, maritime and port security, customs processes), working at competence development of various players in their respective fields (customs, naval forces, police, forwarding agents, carriers, Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport) and supporting the implementation of the environmental policy of the Port and its partners.

University of Ghent and UCLouvain

Research centres and universities are important partners in public-public cooperation. To shape a “One Stop Centre” for the reception of victims of sexual violence in Kisangani, DR Congo, Enabel worked with the University of Ghent, UCLouvain and the University of Kisangani. Researchers and health workers have joined forces to improve medical follow-up for victims and provide them with psychosocial, legal and socio-economic support.

The success of this collaboration has enabled the fight against sexual violence and impunity to be extended to three new provinces (Sud Ubangi, Kinshasa and Kasaï Oriental).


Learn more → Partnership in the fight against sexual violence in the DRC: testimonies (in French/Dutch)

Whom to contact for partnerships?


Does your organisation also wish to enter into a partnership with Enabel? Our Institutional Relations service will put you in touch with the most appropriate experts to further discuss partnership opportunities.

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