What we do
Offer expertise

We support sustainable family agriculture, to improve food security and contribute to inclusive economic growth.
Sustainable agriculture and food systems
Digital technologies can foster development, help the most vulnerable populations and deliver better public services.
Education is key to economic and personal development, that’s why we support education systems in several countries in Africa and the Middle East.
Education, training & decent employment
We improve access to energy for households, businesses and institutions. Access to electricity improves people’s quality of life, helps with the provision of better public services and fosters entrepreneurship.
Our development efforts will be worthwhile only if we step up the fight for equality between women and men.
In view of improving public services to citizens and of strengthening the rule of law and the civic commitment, we assist institutions in becoming more efficient, inclusive and accountable.
We want to help develop an efficient and sustainable health system which ensures quality health care for all.
The main goal of Enabel’s work with the private sector and entrepreneurship is inclusive growth. Growth in which women, young people and vulnerable groups participate, but also growth that respects the environment and decent work standards.
Private sector
Access to water and sanitation constitute both a need and a basic right for people all over the world. It affects public health, gender equality, the environment and economic processes.
Water & sanitation
We believe that fair and sustainable trade are a way to decrease poverty. It gives smallholders the opportunity to develop in a sustainable way. We work around three main themes: producer support, sharing information and raising awareness.