
man cleaning a solar panel

By providing sustainable solutions we improve access to energy for households, businesses and institutions. Access to electricity improves people’s quality of life, helps with the provision of better public services and fosters entrepreneurship.

What we do

Renewable energy & energy efficiency

In our energy programmes as well as in our health, agriculture, water and other programmes, we promote the production of energy from renewable sources, such as solar, hydropower, wind and biomass sources.
In addition, we aim for the efficient use of energy in buildings, equipment and transportation, in view of achieving sustainable development and fighting climate change.

Strengthening local actors

We assist ministries, public operators and energy sector regulators in their roles and duties in view of improving service delivery to citizens and businesses. We also work at legal and regulatory frameworks primarily in view of optimising private sector participation.

Involvement of the private sector

Involving the private sector in the production and distribution of energy is key to improving access to energy. That is why we support the creation of public-private partnerships in view of making most of the complementarity between the public and the private sector. With its often good record for operating and maintaining infrastructure more efficiently, the private sector can also mobilise capital when public investments fall short. In addition, the private sector often has stronger expertise in designing, building and managing infrastructure.

Access to energy

We implement programmes that improve access to energy by extending the power grid and installing small rural networks. Access to energy is after all a preliminary condition for development and contributes to improving health, education, agriculture, governance, communication, and other services to citizens. Local businesses are also beneficiaries of our programmes: By accessing power enterprises can use machines and boost the production and quality of their products.

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