
In view of improving public services to citizens and of strengthening the rule of law and the civic commitment, we assist institutions in becoming efficient, inclusive and accountable.

What we do

Rule of law, justice and security

We strengthen the rule of law, the justice system, security and the protection of human rights to achieve sustainable human development and to eradicate extreme poverty.

Efficient, accountable and inclusive institutions

We support our partners in their reforms to foster efficient and stable institutions. We support civic commitment and the strengthening of State–citizen relationships to stimulate efficient and inclusive public action.

Decentralisation and local governance

We help our partners with developing inclusive local governance. We support local and regional development by strengthening the synergies between the state, civil society and the private sector.

Fragile situations

We intervene in a significant number of fragile countries or fragile situations. This requires us to adapt our approaches and interventions accordingly. In addition, we implement interventions that aim to address the deeper causes of fragility and conflicts.

Local resources

We support our partners in mobilising local resources (including taxes) in order for them to establish their own sustainable basis for development and for public service-delivery.

Human rights-based approach

We ensure to promote and incorporate civil, political, economic, social and environmental human rights in our interventions. We ensure to promote the equality between women and men in our interventions.

News & Events

Three judges in Burundi listen to a case.

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