
Healthy people are more likely to participate in the economy and therefore contribute to the development of their country. We want to help develop an efficient and sustainable health system which ensures quality health care for all.

What we do

Access to primary health care for the poorest

We improve the quality of care in the health centres and decentralised small hospitals which are often located in rural areas. Similarly, we help to increase geographical access by building and equipping health infrastructures.

Health and sexual and reproductive rights

Promoting and protecting sexual and reproductive rights – including HIV response – are key to women’s empowerment and the well-being of households. Addressing the subject of family planning remains a challenge at the heart of the dialogue with our partners. Finally, we contribute to the fight against sexual violence with awareness-raising activities and the improvement of care given to victims.

Financing health care services

We work on developing health care insurance based on mutual insurance system This is essential to guarantee the population’s access to health care.

Assisting health ministries

We assist health ministries in developing a network of functional health entities and we support them in their role as organ that sets the standards, controls the quality and finances the healthcare services.

Developing staff competences

We work to ensure the ongoing training and specialisation of health executives, including hospital management, decentralisation of surgical skills, etc.

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