Water & sanitation

Access to water and sanitation constitute both a need and a basic right for people all over the world. It affects public health, gender equality, the environment and economic processes.

What we do

Access to drinking water and sanitation

Through a partnership with users groups and public operators, we contribute to the construction of infrastructure in view of improving peoples’ access to drinking water. We increase production capacities, develop water distribution networks and improve water quality. As a consequence, water chores, which are usually carried out by women and young girls, become less time consuming.

We help people to improve the local environment, mostly through awareness-raising activities and the installation of equipment (drainage of runoff, evacuation and treatment of waste water, latrines, etc.).

Water & agriculture

We also intervene in the area of water for production aiming to enhance agricultural productivity, to foster the diversification of production and year-round cultivation. To do so, we build infrastructures to store and supply water to the crops and to protect farm land from the risks of flooding (dams, embankments, irrigation networks, wells, etc.). We also assist users with putting in place management systems for these installations.

Capacity development

We provide advice to our partners and strengthen the actors involved in water management – from user-consumers up to the state departments and including water professionals. Governance of the sector, and the planning and the management of infrastructure constitute essential axes of our assistance in view of ensuring sustainable service-delivery and the right to water.

Integrated Water Resources Management

Integrated Water Resources Management is a process which promotes the coordinated development and management of water, land and related resources in order to maximise the resultant economic and social welfare in an equitable manner without compromising the sustainability of vital eco-systems (Global Water Partnership, 2000).

To enhance the sustainability of water resources we support the various actors and users to work together through the installation of Integrated Water Resources Management programmes.

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