What we do

Tackle global challenges

Man looking at a river and a bridge that is build nearby in Thsopo, DRC.


forest landscape

Faced with the climate emergency and the interdependence of global challenges, Enabel is working for sustainable and resilient development. By combining the protection of ecosystems, the promotion of the green economy and support for sustainable food systems, Enabel aims to strengthen the resilience of local communities and contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

Climate change & environment

In a world where human development opportunities differ strongly, mobility is an important option for many people to improve their living conditions. If managed well, migration is a catalyst for inclusive economic and social development, both for migrants and for communities and countries of residence and origin.

Human Mobility

a city view in Palestine

The world is becoming more and more urban. By 2050, 70% of the world population will live in cities. This global trend concerns both the rise of megacities and the spread of small and medium-sized cities. Read more on our actions concerning urbanisation.


a woman discussing with a man while walking n a corridor

Fragility, conflict and violence have a clear impact on poverty. Extreme poverty is rising only in fragile states. Sustainable development cannot be realised without peace and security and conversely, peace and security are at risk without sustainable development. Read more on our work in this domain.

Peace & Security

shadow of a child on a fishing boat in Mali

Enabel strives to ensure equal access to quality basic services and social protection mechanisms, to provide sustainable business opportunities and decent jobs and to address discriminating practices and gender stereotypes that are detrimental to inclusion. Read more on our actions to strive for more social and economic equality.

Social & Economic Inequality

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