Our strategy

close up of hands


Within the borders defined by Enabel’s legal framework our strategy details our ambitions and strategic positions.


Enabel’s new 2030 Strategy was built on the basis of our DNA and our key strengths that over time have forged our legitimacy with our various partners. We have identified 4 key strengths that we want to maintain at the heart of our specificity and the fulfilment of our mission for the future: partnerschips, co-creation, proximity and expertise.

Our environment

Challenges at a global scale that require us to adapt our proposal of solutions.

More fragile contexts that require specific approaches.


A stated desire to move towards a more comprehensive development policy and action


Funding under pressure and increased competition that creates a demand for results, efficiency and increasing visibility.


Our ambitions

Because of the fundamental changes in our environment and in accordance with our DNA, we have agreed to retain 6 ambitions which we want to pursue until 2030.

Our development solutions


Focus on innovation


To stay relevant as a trusted partner in development in an ever-changing environment, Enabel strives for the optimal balance between operational excellence today and exploring new opportunities for the near and longer future.

Enabel puts forward the following principles for innovation management:

  • User-centred design of solutions and processes with a clear focus on the participatory process of responding to very specific local needs.
  • Importance of reinforcing and strengthening local innovation systems.
  • Co-creation with public and private actors (start-ups as well as mature companies), research institutions, universities and their spin-offs, civil society.
  • Focus on scaling-up, institutionalising and consolidating innovations.
  • Working and learning in communities of practices, consortia and networks with other donors, agencies or practitioners.

We pay specific attention to low-cost and user-friendly innovations aimed at people with limited resources. Enabel adapts existing solutions to new use cases as much as possible.

Enabel’s strategy 2030

Download the summary of the strategy


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